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Dana Schneider MFT consulting with Sonoma County therapist for traumatized child emotional difficulties in teens and young children after divorce
appropriate visitation for emotionally troubled kids


About Dana

Divorce Related Services
Co-Parenting Counseling
High Conflict Co-Parenting Counseling
Parent-Child Reunification Counseling
Child Specialist
Child Therapy
Private Mediation
Special Master
Collaborative Divorce Services

Marriage & Family Therapy

Training & Consultation

Client Forms & Resources
Intake Form (pdf)
Consent to Treat (pdf)
Release of Information (pdf)
Detox Negative Intimacy (pdf)
Four Parenting Patterns (pdf)
Bibliography (pdf)

Children's Ability to Cope Post Divorce
Dana F. Schneider MA, MFT
125 S Main St, Sebastopol, CA 95472
email danafschneider@gmail.com
parenting plan for children of divorced parents
hire child specialist for custody and visitation issues

Child Specialist

The child specialist is a mental health professional that helps to provide information about how the children are coping with the divorce. This specialist can offer options for parenting plans that meet both the developmental and psychological needs of the children.

The child specialist meets with the parents together or individually, gathers information from collateral contacts (teachers counselors), and reviews any documentation necessary to get a thorough picture of the child's physical, emotional and social development. After Dana has met with the parents, the children, and gathered additional information, she will present a review of her impressions and suggestions for helping the family with the post-divorce transition. This meeting is typically with the parents alone. If the family is involved in the collaborative process the inclusion of the coaches is always valuable. In some cases, a meeting with the attorneys is also very productive.

The goal is to construct a working parenting plan that the child specialist will assist in developing. In a collaborative case, the coaches or attorneys can help to facilitate the production of the parenting plan.
counseling for families, teens and kids in Sonoma County
©2021 Dana Schneider MA, MFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #M13811
All rights reserved.